I made a commitment long ago to restrict my collection exclusively to comic figures. That being said, this is one of those figures that looks so good, it almost makes me want to break that promise. This entire wave of No Way Home figures all fall into a similar category. The Spiderman figures look great, the Green Goblin is so cool, this one is no exception. Still not enough for me to break the "No MCU figures" rule but still a great looking piece!
If I see this, I think I'll get it and surgically remove those tentacles for my comic version, lol; these look wicked!
On 12/23/2023 at 6:58 PM, AndyL said:This thing looks great. I might have gotten it if I hadn't swore off MCU figures years ago. If I were to start now I'd end up having to chase down figures from the past few years. Great for MCU figure fans.
Same here, I think this figure looks pretty damn nice, but I have said No MCU/non comic figures, and I gotta stick to that, it's cool in so many ways, fair enough likeness, bendy tentacles, all kinds of good, but I am on the no MCU/Animated/Game etc figures so I gotta say no to this, but it's tough when you see cool things like this.
This thing looks great. I might have gotten it if I hadn't swore off MCU figures years ago. If I were to start now I'd end up having to chase down figures from the past few years. Great for MCU figure fans.
Nice likeness on that sculpt there. I like how the tentacles are bendies.
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