In the Marvel Studios' What If...? animated series, Tony Stark's character continues beyond Iron Man Mark LXXXV from Avengers: Endgame and takes on a different path in an alternate reality as Sakaarian Iron Man. The armor combines the iconic character of Iron Man with the unique setting and aesthetic of Sakaar, a planet renowned for its gladiatorial games and diverse alien population. This fusion created a distinctive portrayal of Iron Man.
Hot Toys is expanding on the multiverse concept and offering fans an opportunity to experience new and imaginative variations of beloved characters. Presenting to fans the Sakaarian Iron Man sixth scale figure as a visually striking Marvel collectible figure from the What If…? collection.
Skillfully crafted based on the appearance of Sakaarian Iron Man, the one-sixth scale figure stands 36cm in height, features Tony Stark's head sculpt with magnetic LED light-up face armor. The intricate armor designs, inspired by the planet's culture, further enhance the visual appeal of the figure. Vibrant colors and tribal influences contribute to the unique and striking appearance of Sakaarian Iron Man. This interpretation of Iron Man could feature modifications and upgrades specific to Sakaar, adapting to the challenges and conditions of the planet.
The new Sakaarian Iron Man sixth scale figure will stand out as a centerpiece in any display! You can pre-order this from our sponsor