New Warriors Marvel Legends Namorita (Marvel's The Void Build-A-Figure) Video Review And Images

New Warriors Marvel Legends Namorita (Marvel's The Void Build-A-Figure) Video Review And Images

Outsiders - January 01, 2024
MCUcollector24 takes a look at the new New Warriors Marvel Legends Namorita (Marvel's The Void Build-A-Figure) from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsors Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Lord_Scareglow - 2024-01-04 @ 6:06 pm

Yeah this specific look for Namorita isn't one I really know, I do remember her with Blue skin as Kymera in the 90's but this isn't that version, this is something newer and I'm not really familiar, but I don't care because this figure looks awesome, I'm loving what's going on here, the face is excellent, and despite me not really knowing this outfit it looks good, I'm really happy to get this, but I also would have prefered like almost any other look for her, but I'll take em all.

Air-Walker - 2024-01-03 @ 7:08 pm

She does look cool, but I've got no connection with this version of her. I'm well pleased that the team said that a classic version is in the works, and all the better too as this face sculpt looks great!

AndyL - 2024-01-02 @ 3:32 pm

Not my fave version of Namorita but I understand the significance as this is the version that more or less popped off the first Civil War. I don't even think she was going by Namorita at this time. I think it was Kymera. But whatever. I hope we get the green one piece version soon as well. I'm sure they'll have to do the one with more coverage for typical reasons but we need any version of the traditional Namorita for our New Warriors display and any version is welcome at this point. I think she's the last remaining character we need to complete the original Warriors. Sure they could do a Firestar with less wobbly legs and and a crimson Nova and then there's Silhouette and Bandit Thrasher but let's get the basics done first.

Jormungand - 2024-01-02 @ 4:32 am

Not the version of Namorita I'm familiar with, but at least with her and Marvel Boy from this wave, we can finally set up the core New Warriors. I know, Vance and the version of Nova most of us have, are not the versions thought of when picturing the 'Warriors, but I'll take it. This, and getting Power Princess, to complete the current version of The Squadron Supreme makes me hopeful for finishing off some other incomplete teams in 2024. Marrina would be great for finishing the original Alpha Flight team from their title debut. Gargoyle and Son of Satan would really help complete what I think of as the classic Defenders non-teams. Some more members of the royal family, with Lockjaw and Maximus as well, would round out the Inhumans. A few more Starjammers would give us that team as well. And with the surprise two-pack of Moondragon and Drax last year, we are closer to getting the Infinity Watch than we may realize. There are many more teams to be sure, but like I said, I see this wave as a move in a positive direction for team completions.

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