That price is insane for that few bricks. And to be honest, it looks less fun than the older version. Which by the way was about $50 for the same number of pieces.
Not sure how I feel about this one. LOVE that the X-Men are *FINALLY* coming back to Lego after a years long hiatus, but the price of this set is pretty steep.The Bowie (76255) was $99.99 for 1018 pieces. This is $84.99 for 359. At 1/3 the bricks, that's more than double the price per brick. Ouch.
Where's the mini-base, the glider and the min cockpit car?
Whoaa that's neato, looks really fun, If I see this I;ll buy it, I once in a while like buying lego, I always have the intention to build it myself, but I just make my friend do it since he freaks out about things like that, he collects vicariously though me, likes to repress his inner nerd.
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