Ahck, I love this thing, when I first saw it I was so close to buying it, but for what it is the price is just too high, I can't bring myself to buying it, The Man-thing was amazing too, just a rough price, Why can't Hasbro just do an ML of WBN? whyyyyyy?? Reno - 2024-02-05 @ 9:36 pm
Honestly for a reasonable price I would have likely considered this. $135 for a ten inch figure is not something that I consider reasonable. That's fine, I'm perfectly happy with the Toy Biz box set version in my display for now. I'm sure that Hasbro will get around to giving us an update at some point. I honestly thought that a 3-pack with the MCU Werewolf by Night, Man-Thing and Elsa Bloodstone would have been a slam dunk for Hasbro, but I guess not. They even could have a done a black and white variant set. One could have been an Amazon exclusive and the other a Pulse exclusive, but whatever. tarot - 2024-02-05 @ 9:27 pm
On 2/5/2024 at 9:25 PM, since83 said:C'mon Legends. Mondo just beat you to it?!?!?!? honestly looking at this, I want Hasbro to take their time. This looks like an oversize chibi figure.
C'mon Legends. Mondo just beat you to it?!?!?!?
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