New Marvel Legends On Display In The UK, Including Secret Empire Captain America

New Marvel Legends On Display In The UK, Including Secret Empire Captain America

Jay Cochran - February 10, 2024
Shown below via itsdanwho and hero.collections are images from the In-Demand Toys 20th Anniversary celebration where Hasbro had on display several upcoming Marvel Legends products.

Shown where the Secret Empire Captain America figure which here in the US will be sold as a Walmart exclusive. Also shown were the Deluxe Angel and a few of the Wolverine Anniversary 2-packs.

Everything except the Secret Empire Captain America are available for pre-order from our sponsors BigBadToyStore and Entertainment Earth.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
SpiderS - 2024-02-11 @ 4:34 pm

They have really strong line of figures for this show. Archangel is majestic but painted on gloves and boots with cut lines do cheapen him, another good reason why they should have given Vision new sculpted arrow shaped gloves and boots, that would have serious reuse potential and give many figures premium feel.

Air-Walker - 2024-02-10 @ 6:29 pm

Lilandra....what a Goddess!! I love the regal and 'above it all' expression they gave her too!

tarot - 2024-02-10 @ 5:25 pm

I'll have all the Wolverines and Angel on preorder and will get the Cap. I will also get it for it's eventual Green repaint.

since83 - 2024-02-10 @ 5:24 pm

That Cap is an insta-buy for me. Love the new shield design, since Sam was using the original. Hot take here, I loved Secret Empire. A classic Red Skull and the Cosmic Cube storyline. That HydrAvengers team was so awesome! I would have liked more of a series with that team. I honestly wish they had kept going with the Thunderbolts story that spun out of it and given it more of a chance to play out.

GnarlyCharlie85 - 2024-02-10 @ 5:23 pm

That Sabertooth thou....

JohnF - 2024-02-10 @ 4:13 pm

Not familiar with this Cap, but the design is interesting and the proportions make the figure look impressive just by standing there. Might keep an eye out for it.

AndyL - 2024-02-10 @ 4:07 pm

See that SE Cap is the kind of thing that should be a WM exclusive. Cool enough looking where a lot of casual fans and some comic fans might pick it up if they come across it just on design alone. But from such a ridiculous source that a lot of fans can do without it. I think it looks good but the scar the story left on my brain makes me have zero desire to want it.

Lord_Scareglow - 2024-02-10 @ 3:07 pm

Oh ah, totally forgot about that Secret Empire cap coming out, as much As I really don't need another cap, since the 20th, I still always liked this suit design, face ugh looks like the Ultimate cap angry facial expression I just didn't really love, and I like it less here, but the composition of this figure is really nice, but as pass, One thing I can take away from this is, seeing that Brood Logan in more pics, I actually like it less, the face looks like Alien Donkey, and kinda off putting, but I still want to like it since it comes with a much wanted Lilandra. The Sabretooth is still something I keep thinking I might regret not getting because it looks so good, but I currently passed, the Logan in that pack while good, isn't really something I need.

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