On 2/14/2024 at 9:14 AM, AndyL said:Just kind of a stinks that they're trying to get full price for them again. They're actually cheaper than current prices. Riders are now $50 and I think Retro DP was almost $30 even back then. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a new Deadpool or 2 this year, maybe alongside the movie wave. They'd likely use the RYV mold again though. AndyL - 2024-02-14 @ 4:14 pm
On 2/13/2024 at 11:24 PM, A_Spidey_Fan said:Well, I consider myself a "True Marvel Legends Fan", but I don't have either of these in my collection. And I've been collecting since the late ToyBiz Days/Early Hasbro Years. Yes, of course you are. You're here with the rest of us on this site. It was just a little hyperbole on my part to say we've all pretty much been there done that. Yes a lot of times we have to pick or chose what we can and can't buy at a certain time. I personally had the Juggernaut wave DP and the Sasquatch wave DP and those were just fine with me. I think I got the Classic DP and the DP Corps set on sale. Actually I'm sure of it. But they were easily available to anyone at the time of release. This is a way to get rid of some product and make some extra coin in the wake of the DP3 movie trailer. And good for those who didn't get them the first time. Just kind of a stinks that they're trying to get full price for them again. On 2/13/2024 at 2:13 PM, Ironspider428 said:These are rereleases, the exact same things that were released in in 2018 and 2019 respectively when the Vulcan mold didn't exist. They're likely just being reissued to capitalize on the new trailer, if you don't need them or already have them just don't buy them. And yes the Vulcan mold was not a thing back then and yes the Sunfire mold was the big rage at the time. And I understand why they used it and honestly why they had to make use of that model as much as possible at the time. But to me and many others it just didn't look right for DP and honestly it is just a goofy looking mold to begin with. With it's weird elongated neck and traps and the awkward wide-crotch stance. Sure the detail was great but to me it just looks kind of Liefeld/McFarlane-ish to me. In the sense that they filled it with so many busy lines and details they tried to hide actual anatomic faults. But now they do have the Vulcan model and I think an updated DP on that body would be a huge hit. Maybe throw in some different guns or some updated swords. People will complain but I bet most of them would buy it. I personally would do both. A new DP on a more modern mold isn't in the same boat as a blatant re-release of the same old product. Quite possibly left over product that never got reordered by vendors as they were on sale pretty much everywhere at the time. But a while back a friend recommended I start looking at redos of ML like iPhones. You might have the model from 2 or 3 years ago and it just might serve you fine a the time. But dang that newer model sure does look a lot better than your old one doesn't it? And at the end of the day it's fully up to you to decide to buy it or not. Plus ML is a heck of a lot cheaper than the new iPhone. Then again I've always been a Galaxy Girl so I probably don't even know what I'm talking about. LOL.
Happy to get another shot at the Retro Dp
On 2/13/2024 at 3:04 PM, AndyL said:Total PASS! Of course this is just a shameless cash grab to get to those fans who obviously got on this wagon much later than most of us. Good for those guys. Buy it if you need it. But any self-respecting true fan already has any and all of these figures and there is absolutely nothing here to appeal to those fans. As a matter of fact it's really terrible that they did the Classic DP on that ridiculous Sunfire model. If you want to get my money redo him on the Vulcan model. I'll buy it right now in spite of the redundency. Well, I consider myself a "True Marvel Legends Fan", but I don't have either of these in my collection. And I've been collecting since the late ToyBiz Days/Early Hasbro Years. And yeah, it's a Cash Grab for those who never got them before, as Hasbro is taking advantage of the recent Deadpool 3 Movie ad. But nothing wrong with them re-releasing them. No different than back in the ToyBiz days when some figures got re-released in different lines and what not. Heck, even in the 1990's and very early 2000's, ToyBiz in their 5" lines would re-release a number of figures in various different ways. Either way, if I already didn't have a good Regular looking Deadpool, I would of consider the Scooter set to also get the Deadpool Corps Animals. But I don't need it. Having said that, I do recall this set kind of peg warming at the time too, but who knows how it will go this time. I hope this is another way for Hasbro to bring back some Deluxe style figures with vehicles again, regardless if they are re-issues(Like Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider, and Comic Book Business Suit Professor X with Hover Chair), or some new ones(Like Danny Keith Ghost Rider, and Professor X in his Green Field jumpsuit with Hover Chair). I actually wanted that Retro style Deadpool back when it 1st came out, as the Metallic Blue really looks nice. However, at the time: (a.) I had to Pass on it because I was buying other Marvel Legends Products that I wanted more. (b.) The only time I ever saw it in a physical store was in a Comic Book store for about $80 Canadian(At the time, most regular 6" Marvel Legends were around $30 Canadian. Now a days, depending on the line and such, most regular 6" Marvel Legends are between $35-$40 Canadian). The only actual retailer that maybe carry it was GameStop Canada, but I never saw it there. I hope to get it this time at a more reasonable price.
Oh interesting, Obviously a thing done soley because of new movie Trailer, Nice to give people a second chance on these two, but I can't imagine a ton want them, but maybe I'm wrong, just felt like that Scooter DP was a big pegwarmer, the Retro Card DP was awesome I'm sure people are going to snap that up, it was hard to find at least here in Canada, I myself already have both of these so Passy Pass. but hey Hasbro, re-release more things, mainly stuff I really want..Like Professor X, Dreadknight, Purple Man, Satana, Retro Kingpin, Hela... You got it.
On 2/13/2024 at 3:13 PM, Ironspider428 said:These are rereleases, the exact same things that were released in in 2018 and 2019 respectively when the Vulcan mold didn't exist. They're likely just being reissued to capitalize on the new trailer, if you don't need them or already have them just don't buy them. It's crazy I know but the toxic elements of TOY COLLECTING can't grasp that not everything is intended for them. (Or they have to put down people who were not able to get something when it first released as less than.) I am all for rereleases. Rerelease everything! Destroy the scalper market!
On 2/13/2024 at 1:04 PM, AndyL said:Total PASS! Of course this is just a shameless cash grab to get to those fans who obviously got on this wagon much later than most of us. Good for those guys. Buy it if you need it. But any self-respecting true fan already has any and all of these figures and there is absolutely nothing here to appeal to those fans. As a matter of fact it's really terrible that they did the Classic DP on that ridiculous Sunfire model. If you want to get my money redo him on the Vulcan model. I'll buy it right now in spite of the redundency. These are rereleases, the exact same things that were released in in 2018 and 2019 respectively when the Vulcan mold didn't exist. They're likely just being reissued to capitalize on the new trailer, if you don't need them or already have them just don't buy them. AndyL - 2024-02-13 @ 8:04 pm
Total PASS! Of course this is just a shameless cash grab to get to those fans who obviously got on this wagon much later than most of us. Good for those guys. Buy it if you need it. But any self-respecting true fan already has any and all of these figures and there is absolutely nothing here to appeal to those fans. As a matter of fact it's really terrible that they did the Classic DP on that ridiculous Sunfire model. If you want to get my money redo him on the Vulcan model. I'll buy it right now in spite of the redundency.
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