Heinrich looks great, but I passed on Zolas before, so not interested.
Really liking this Zemo, but I don't really feel like another Zola is something I truly care about, since I own the Purple one, which I kinda like more, but the classic colours ugh always a thing I want...Since this Zemo is technically not the same Zemo I have since this is Heinrich it easily makes this a well..Gotta get it. And fine I can have two Zolas since there was more then one.
Dang you Hasbro, got me again.
Yeah Zemo looks pretty killer; my favorite reveal of the day. Would've been sweet to get some other MoE member with him instead but I'm fine with classic Zola too
I love that too. This Zemo is about perfect. Totally awesome. They didn't change that Zola enough though. A quick repaint and new head for Smuggler/Goliath woulda been cost effective and easy. Or I could list so many characters I would have rather had. But alas, it is what it is and I won't miss this Zemo.
I love that they are including an unmasked head as a call back to the TB one.
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