Medicom Marvel MAFEX No.143 Ben Reilly Spider-Man (Comic Ver.) Reissue Figure

Medicom Marvel MAFEX No.143 Ben Reilly Spider-Man (Comic Ver.) Reissue Figure

toynewman - March 06, 2024
Shown below is the new Medicom Marvel MAFEX No.143 Ben Reilly Spider-Man (Comic Ver.) Reissue Figure are available for pre-order from our sponsor with a suggested retail price of $99.99.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
raziel0203 - 2024-03-08 @ 5:03 pm

Always found this figure very enticing. Something about it almost had a McFarlane-esque feel to it. I mentioned this in a previous post but I have come very close to pulling the trigger on some of these Mafex figure, we're it not for the price point.

G-0 - 2020-10-25 @ 9:18 am

With this being my favorite Spider-Man costume, I preordered the moment it became available on BigBadToyStore.

RAMCAT - 2020-10-24 @ 2:52 am

I like it but Im still alright with the current ML one enough. Irarely consider getting Mafex versions at their price points, personally,but I gotta get theirCarnage after the 3 ML versions havebeen lackluster to me, unfortunately, and the Mafexone is a perfect portrayal of him in my mind.ButI do love the ML Cletus Kasady head. But ya regardless, this is a awesome Reilly!

SpiderS - 2020-10-23 @ 9:38 pm
1 hour ago, silverback said:

This is a super clean Ben Riley Scarlet Spider. I would love to have it but it's too pricey and probably not in scale with ML six inch figures.

If it's the same size as previous mafex spidey it should fit right in with ML. Price is problem but it's 90 dollars on bbts instead of 110 new mafex figures are going, which means it can be more affordable if it's ever on sale.

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silverback - 2020-10-23 @ 8:35 pm

This is a super clean Ben Riley Scarlet Spider. I would love to have it but it's too pricey and probably not in scale with ML six inch figures.

SpiderS - 2020-10-23 @ 6:06 pm

I like it a lot but I think they should have given him 3rd additional masked head-sculpt that would be his own and also would motivate owners of previous classic spidey figure get this version for the sake of new head sculpt, for the price point they are asking they could'veeasily done it.

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