I'm okay with this. It seems like it will be Feige's passion project and he wants a good technical director, who doesn't have too much of a personality and works well with MCU machine.
Sure whatever dude has some good credits directing episodes of big shows, but is this guy really a big blockbuster movie director? I won't decide anything until I see the end product but I would have loved to here that Russo bros would do this, or hey J.C Chandor seemed like he could have been a good fit, Jeymes Samuel could have been a cool name... I don't know if anyone ever saw The Harder they fall but boy did that movie look beautiful, I think they need to put some love in Marvel's first family's debut into the MCU I think that team deserves it.
I am still on the fence that Steven Spielberg should direct this movie. I can imagine a man with his kind of cinematic spectacle to properly integrate location shots with the actors, either through on-location shoots or sets to create a grandiose Fantastic Four film that explores the vast richness of the team's mythos.
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