Blade Production Shut Down Amid Search For New Director

Blade Production Shut Down Amid Search For New Director

Outsiders - October 11, 2022
Marvel Studios has decided to delay the Blade reboot feature project based on the director Bassam Tariq leaving the project and with the release date being moved from November 3rd, 2023 to September 6th, 2024.

Marvel hopes to restart the project again in early 2023 and has shut down production-related activities in Atlanta. A new director is hoped to be replaced by the new production start date.

Sources from within have said that Marvel wants to deepen the search for a new director since the project has gone through numerous rewrites and Marvel wants to make sure they get the right person for the project. The current writer for the project is Beau DeMayo, who has worked on shows such as Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, The Witcher, and its animated feature spinoff, as well as Marvel’s own Moon Knight.

Oscar winner Mahershala Ali is still set to star in the lead role in the project.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter


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monron999 - 2022-10-13 @ 1:29 pm
On 10/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, glhshelby said:

The biggest problem I see is Mahershala Ali is almost 50 already.

Yeah, I've been saying the same thing over and over. Not that he's a bad cast, cuz he's totally capable, it's just about how long he'll be able to carry the role as an immortal vampire as he'll be pushing 60 by the time he hits that standard 10 year MCU run. Then again, nobody told Tom Cruise about getting old cuz he's damn near a hundred fiddy and he's still doing his thing.

monron999 - 2022-10-13 @ 1:26 pm
On 10/13/2022 at 12:36 AM, Atlantis said:

OKAY, OK.....I'll do it....I'll direct but only on the condition that I get $40 million upfront, a big cut of the movie's box office receipts, merchandising, etc. and a Marvel Legends 2 pack of Blade from the first movie and a figure of his original appearance in the Tomb of Dracula.

That best part is that you probably have as much or more directing experience than the clown they are sure to eventually put into the directorial spot.

Atlantis - 2022-10-13 @ 5:36 am

OKAY, OK.....I'll do it....I'll direct but only on the condition that I get $40 million upfront, a big cut of the movie's box office receipts, merchandising, etc. and a Marvel Legends 2 pack of Blade from the first movie and a figure of his original appearance in the Tomb of Dracula.

glhshelby - 2022-10-12 @ 7:22 pm
On 10/12/2022 at 9:24 AM, monron999 said:

This is becoming the Cursed Marvel Project. This is never a good sign. Before long Feige himself will have to bring this across the finish line.

The biggest problem I see is Mahershala Ali is almost 50 already.

monron999 - 2022-10-12 @ 1:24 pm

This is becoming the Cursed Marvel Project. This is never a good sign. Before long Feige himself will have to bring this across the finish line.

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