Donald Glover To Star & Produce Spider-Man Movie Based On Villain Hypno-Hustler

Donald Glover To Star & Produce Spider-Man Movie Based On Villain Hypno-Hustler

Outsiders - December 16, 2022
Sources from within have informed The Hollywood Reporter that Donald Glover is attached to star and produce a feature set in Sony Pictures’ Spider-Man universe of the Marvel Comics character Hypno-Hustler.

The project is being written by Myles Murphy, the son of actor and comedian Eddie Murphy, and will revolve around the Hypno-Hustler, one of the more obscure Spider-Man villains. The character was created by writer Bill Mantlo, and artist Frank Springer, and is very much a product of the disco music scene when he first appeared in Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man No. 24 in 1978. His real name was Antoine Delsoin, the leader of a band called the Mercy Killers, and used hypnosis technology in his instruments on his audience in order to rob them.

Glover has always been interested in Spider-Man and Marvel characters for years and was drawn toward Hypno-Hustler due to the musical aspect of the character and the fact that he has a lesser-known character, freeing him to greater interpretations. Plot details are being kept quiet but this project can be anything from the disco period to a modern hip-hop version or a cyberpunk future.
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HThompson - 2022-12-19 @ 3:05 pm

Agree that this seems like such a random character to base a movie on, especially from all of the Spidey villains over the past sixty years!

leokearon - 2022-12-19 @ 8:17 am
On 12/19/2022 at 7:07 AM, Atlantis said:

Let's face it, Spidey has so few characters/villains of color, that Glover either was going to have to take one of them, or swap another existing character like what they did with Electro. Regardless, it smacks of desperation by Sony to try to squeeze something out of the Spider-Man sphere, without using the actual Spider-Man himself. At this rate, they're looking like DC's attempts to get their franchises off the ground. Weak, and very silly.

It does smack of desperation. Like they have gone from an A-Lister like Venom to a Z-Listers like Hypnohustler andEl Muerto.

Atlantis - 2022-12-19 @ 7:07 am
On 12/16/2022 at 11:12 PM, leokearon said:

Why? Why the Hypnohustler? What are they thinking?

Let's face it, Spidey has so few characters/villains of color, that Glover either was going to have to take one of them, or swap another existing character like what they did with Electro. Regardless, it smacks of desperation by Sony to try to squeeze something out of the Spider-Man sphere, without using the actual Spider-Man himself. At this rate, they're looking like DC's attempts to get their franchises off the ground. Weak, and very silly.

Air-Walker - 2022-12-19 @ 1:12 am

Had it been anyone other than Donald Glover I'd have said no freaking way! But, since it's him and I dig almost everything he does, I'm in! Verrrry curious to see where he goes with this, lol.

SpiderS - 2022-12-18 @ 10:07 pm

From all the Sony Projects this actually can work because it has a chance of being a decent comedy thanks to Glover if he will gather effort as he did for Atlanta and his other projects. So it can be a fun comedy movie that happens to be connected to Spider-Man, at least it makes more sense than Bad bunny's El Muerto project.

The Mad Bubbler - 2022-12-18 @ 7:13 pm

It's not like this is going to be dead-serious- Donald Glover is great, this could be a fun, quirky movie about a weirdly-specific villain. This has more potential to be legitimately entertaining than a solo Kraven movie... or a Madame Web movie...

tarot - 2022-12-18 @ 3:33 pm
On 12/18/2022 at 2:16 PM, DrZarnak said:

Am I the only one excited for this? After 4 seasons of Atlanta, I will never doubt Glovers instincts. Also, it GREATLY increases the chance of getting a figure of HH, which I support.

It not glover we are worried about. It the fact that he is playing a character that has 3 to 5 issue. That like making an entire series about the randon three eye alien in the cantina of star wars that appeared for only 1 sec.

DrZarnak - 2022-12-18 @ 2:16 pm

Am I the only one excited for this? After 4 seasons of Atlanta, I will never doubt Glovers instincts. Also, it GREATLY increases the chance of getting a figure of HH, which I support.

leokearon - 2022-12-18 @ 8:00 am
On 12/17/2022 at 11:42 PM, icematta said:

They are really trying to scrap the bottom of the bucket with this one, are they thinking they can pull obscure characters to some kind of prominence like the MCU???

That's probably the idea.

icematta - 2022-12-17 @ 11:42 pm

They are really trying to scrap the bottom of the bucket with this one, are they thinking they can pull obscure characters to some kind of prominence like the MCU???

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