Yeah as soon as I saw this Actress I thought Lady Deadpool, seems like a good call, since this is no doubt a movie exploring Multiple Universes and alt versions of characters as we know with Wolverine already. It would be really cool if she was Shiklah but I don't have a feeling it will be, I can see Shiklah being a character they wouldn't introduce into the MCU at this point, but I could be wrong about that.
On 2/14/2023 at 8:30 PM, monron999 said:Good call. With the time travel aspect from the ending of the last movie and the multiverse aspect of the current MCU and the involvement Wolverine, who seems to be from a different universe from Deadpool, it only makes sense we'd see a few, if not many, variants of DP in this movie. Maybe this movie will be the catalyst to what brings the X-Men into the MCU.
I hope if the movie does explore the multiverse, we get some really whacky alternate Deadpools. Doctor Strange and Spider-Man both went pretty tame with their variants but Deadpool would be a great time to introduce things like Spider-Ham's universe or the zombie universe.
On 2/14/2023 at 8:44 PM, Ironspider428 said:Lady Deadpool seems likely here, especially since there have been rumors of the TVA being featured in the movie and Lady Deadpool as the villain is very reminiscent of Sylvie's role.
Good call. With the time travel aspect from the ending of the last movie and the multiverse aspect of the current MCU and the involvement Wolverine, who seems to be from a different universe from Deadpool, it only makes sense we'd see a few, if not many, variants of DP in this movie. Maybe this movie will be the catalyst to what brings the X-Men into the MCU.
Lady Deadpool seems likely here, especially since there have been rumors of the TVA being featured in the movie and Lady Deadpool as the villain is very reminiscent of Sylvie's role.
Shiklah and Death are my biggest bets since they are also Monarch type roles, however, I can see variation of Lady Deadpool being main bad in the multiverse type movie.
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