Josh Friedman was only one of five people who contributed to the story for Avatar 2 and had nothing to do with the screenplay. Better looks at his actual work on screen are movies like War of the Worlds (2005) and The Black Dalia and television shows like Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Snowpiercer.
On 4/1/2023 at 6:30 AM, monron999 said:Unimpressed. Not that Avatar 2 was a bad movie but I certainly was "less" than Avatar. The thing that worries me is that movie had some serious plot hole issues and the entire Raiders of the Lost Ark syndrome where things woulda played out the same whether the characters woulda been involved or not. It just seems like the long awaited return of FF would have deserved a more proven talent.
This is my feelings, I felt like Avatar 2 had a ton of issues with the story to say the least, I wasn't a fan of that movie, it was way too bloated yet empty, but hey I guess we will have to see if Josh can write a better Fantastic 4 Movie.
Unimpressed. Not that Avatar 2 was a bad movie but I certainly was "less" than Avatar. The thing that worries me is that movie had some serious plot hole issues and the entire Raiders of the Lost Ark syndrome where things woulda played out the same whether the characters woulda been involved or not. It just seems like the long awaited return of FF would have deserved a more proven talent.
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