Hugh Jackman's Wolverine in Deadpool 3 Will Be Way Different From Past Movie Appearances

Hugh Jackman's Wolverine in Deadpool 3 Will Be Way Different From Past Movie Appearances

Outsiders - April 18, 2023
Production is set to begin on Deadpool 3 next month and the only thing we know about the third installment is that Hugh Jackman has promised that by reprising his role as Wolverine, nothing in the X-Men timeline will change. So what we have seen over the years from X-Men in 2000 to Logan in 2017 will not change. Spoiler alert... Wolverine dies at the end of Logan.

However, Ryan Reynolds told ET Canada that this Wolverine for Deadpool 3 will be way different from what we have seen before.

“We’ve wanted to this this for decades…it’s weirdly the perfect time,” Reynolds said about teaming up with Jackman. “I never stopped [trying to get him to come back as Wolverine]. I was just pestering him like a gnat over the last many years. I believe in timing, as much as hard work and luck and all those intersections that are supposed to meet. Timing’s the big one. I think he was ready. I think he was excited.”

Reynolds added, “And what we pitched him was enough of a divergence from the character that he knows and the character that he’s left behind, that it gives him something completely new to play and something that he’s really excited to do.”

Shortly after Reynolds announced Jack was returning as Wolverine. He wanted people to know that Logan takes place in 2029 and is years apart from Deadpool 3.

As for Jackman playing Wolverine once more? The growling actor told Variety last October that he is excited to be playing the character once more.

“A little part of me now thinks I’d be better at it,” he said. “Is that arrogance of age or something? Wolverine’s a tortured character — more tortured than me. But I always get the feeling of him being comfortable in his own skin. And I feel more comfortable in my own skin now, even though it’s messier.”

Deadpool 3 is scheduled for a November 8th, 2024 release in theaters.

Source: Variety


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Lord_Scareglow - 2023-04-20 @ 4:08 pm

I hope when they mean he will be completely different, they will mainly be meaning he will show up in his suit, that's all I really need just put him in the Wolverine costume and make it as classic as can be, that's what we deserve after all these years of having Hugh play the character, if it's going to be the last outing make it super accurate, also make him a jerk and just wanna fight savegely, give him a fat cigar as well.

since83 - 2023-04-19 @ 2:29 pm

This is good news for me. I haven't liked him as Wolverine at all. There were a few moments in The Wolverine that were close, but not quite there. I just don't believe him as a berserk killer. And he's way too tall. They could have at least done some perspective stuff to make him look smaller, but never even tried. Hopefully the changes are for the better and not goofy. I want the suit.

JohnF - 2023-04-19 @ 10:57 am

I think he's already been hitting the gym, but that would be hilarious.

SUPREME007 - 2023-04-19 @ 8:47 am
On 4/18/2023 at 11:32 PM, McHogan said:

Watch they go for the Bro Thor look so Jackman doesn't have to hit the gym

seriously that would suck. But knowing Hugh's work ethic he ain't bout that.

McHogan - 2023-04-19 @ 3:32 am

Watch they go for the Bro Thor look so Jackman doesn't have to hit the gym

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