If this is going to be a joint project with Sony and it's in the MCU somehow, there's a decent chance Spider-Man will be in it.
I wish this wasn't happening, this Venom franchise has been rough at best, the second film was so awful that it made the first film kinda good, as someone who is pretty forgiving when it comes to any and all marvel films, it's hard to overlook how poor the last film was, I have low hopes for this 3rd instalment but whatever.
Venom without Spidey is pointless. The first movie felt like it was written by a child. We have to boycott all the Sony Spiderverse stuff until they give up and let it all be in the MCU.
It's a shame they couldn't give us better movies, Hardy is amazing in the role but everything else is dated and uninspiring. It needs no saying that whole dramatic character growth of Venom comes from his revenge towards Spider-Man but even without that they could have figured out something more creative and engaging than what we got, but it seems we gonna have same thing third time.
I still haven't even seen the second one
Curious who she could be playing. Maybe Scream? I don't remember if she was in the first movie at all.
The Venom movies aren't the worst ideas from the Sonyverse, but they're inherently flawed by not having Spider-Man in them. It would have been awesome to have had Garfield appear in them. Probably would have been a better story if it had been set in Garfield's universe with the Venom/Spider-Man story having already played out, and the movie picking up in the future when Venom is trying to be a hero, ala Lethal Protector. Then have Spidey return to help him fight Carnage for the sequel. I know the movie was already basically adapting Lethal Protector but it would have been so much better with Spidey in it as a secondary character/minor antagonist. Would have been a very neat spin on the typical Spider-Man movie too.
Venom 2 did nothing to bring me back for a third installment.
I've bailed on watching every installment in the MCU and I was a mega fan. So no way I'm wasting time and money on a franchise from Sony that clearly doesn't "get" Venom
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