On 5/19/2022 at 6:28 PM, JayC said: All of them are great, every single one, but these are my favs, mostly due to nostalgia. F4 one makes me wonder if we could get redo of that Spider-man play set from Hasbro since we are getting so much retro stuff, I would either love an exact replica or a bigger redo with more detail. ADour - 2022-05-19 @ 9:18 pm
I think this might be one of the best collections of variant covers Marvel has done. A lot of them are really playful and unique, and the more generic ones still work fine as pin-ups. I think my three favorite are the recreation of ASM #33, the one celebrating the 90s cartoon, and the one celebrating the games. The latter solely due to the inclusion of the low-poly PS1 Spidey. tarot - 2022-05-19 @ 6:18 pm
On 5/19/2022 at 4:15 PM, Hogun said:Please stop with the Spider-Man celebration. He is overshadowing other comic franchises who are also celebrating their 60th anniversary, mainly Thor and Hulk. Gee I wonder why they would keep pushing their company mascot, cash cow and overall mist popular character ever.?
I like the F4 cover, with the animated series toyline Hogun - 2022-05-19 @ 3:15 pm
Please stop with the Spider-Man celebration. He is overshadowing other comic franchises who are also celebrating their 60th anniversary, mainly Thor and Hulk.
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