Jean Grey Grabs The Spotlight In Artgerm's X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1 Cover

Jean Grey Grabs The Spotlight In Artgerm's X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1 Cover

Jay Cochran - May 24, 2022
Mutantkind is set to send shockwaves through the Marvel Universe yet again in this year’s HELLFIRE GALA! A night overflowing with heavy drama, surprise guests, and game-changing revelations, the event will take place in July’s X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1, a giant-sized one-shot will be written by current X-Men writer Gerry Duggan along with an all-star lineup of artists: Kris Anka, Russell Dauterman, Matteo Lolli and C.F. Villa. A Marvel Comic of such magnitude wouldn’t be complete without an incredible variant cover from artist Stanley “Artgerm” Lau! The mega-popular cover artist depicts Jean Grey is her now iconic Hellfire Gala outfit from last year, ready to announce the new team of X-Men!

At last year's gala, mutants changed the face of the solar system, terraforming Mars and claiming it for mutantkind. Don’t dare miss this issue to see what comes next! Check out the cover below and stay tuned for more news about X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1, including an exciting sneak peek!

Retailers, don’t forget to order your copies of X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1 by Monday, June 6!

Cover by RUSSELL DAUTERMAN – 75960620362800111
Variant Cover by STANLEY “ARTGERM” LAU - 75960620362800131
Virgin Variant Cover by STANLEY “ARTGERM” LAU - 75960620362800141
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
JayC - 2022-05-24 @ 8:23 pm


leokearon - 2022-03-19 @ 8:04 am
On 3/19/2022 at 4:25 AM, Jeddostotle7 said:

Wait... How is it supposed to be annual both in and out of comics, when the comics move at a much faster timescale?? If this is one year later our time, it's only been a handful of months in-universe since they held the last Gala.

Timescale and continuity mean nothing as long as they can get to write their story

Jeddostotle7 - 2022-03-19 @ 4:25 am
On 3/16/2022 at 9:36 AM, leokearon said:

Yeah, but it proved to be very popular that they decided to make it an annual thing, both in and out of comics

Wait... How is it supposed to be annual both in and out of comics, when the comics move at a much faster timescale?? If this is one year later our time, it's only been a handful of months in-universe since they held the last Gala.

Hogun - 2022-03-16 @ 8:39 pm
On 3/16/2022 at 12:37 PM, leokearon said:

I wonder whose going to be killed at this one?

My money is on Synch for some reason.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-03-16 @ 7:52 pm

What wait they are Gala'ing again, they just Had a Gala, they need to slow down on all that partying and get back to business.

leokearon - 2022-03-16 @ 4:37 pm

I wonder whose going to be killed at this one?

leokearon - 2022-03-16 @ 4:36 pm
On 3/16/2022 at 1:33 PM, Hogun said:

Hold up! I thought the Hellfire Gala was a one and done event. Are they really going to present us with another roster change in the X-Men again and is Scott cheating on Jean with Emma?

Yeah, but it proved to be very popular that they decided to make it an annual thing, both in and out of comics

Hogun - 2022-03-16 @ 1:33 pm

Hold up! I thought the Hellfire Gala was a one and done event. Are they really going to present us with another roster change in the X-Men again and is Scott cheating on Jean with Emma?

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