On 6/29/2022 at 9:29 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:Easy Answer he is Terry Crews. why did they have to name a symbiote Bedlam, when there already is a Bedlam, and this isn't even a very interesting Symbiote he's just another Red Symbiote we already have enough Red Symbiotes, he shoulda been like aquamarine or something. Never quite understood why the symbiotes became SO popular. Just don't find them that interesting. We already had the Brood which infect and take you over, and we already had Skrulls that were shape shifters... I mean, I guess the hive mind element is kinda cool, but it just never seemed all that interesting to me. Must check out some good reads on the symbiotes at some point to see if they are worth all the hype. JayC - 2022-07-30 @ 11:05 pm
Revealed in this weeks VENOM #9, Bedlam, the bloodthirsty symbiote behind Eddie and Dylan Brocks recent troubles, is none other than Eddie Brock at his worst. Prepare to learn more in VENOM #10. Check out the unclassified variant cover by Paulo Siqueira and pick up VENOM #10 on September 14.VENOM #10Written by AL EWINGArt by BRYAN HITCHCover by BRYAN HITCH - 75960620191401011Variant Cover by PAULO SIQUEIRA - 75960620191401021On Sale 9/14
Easy Answer he is Terry Crews. why did they have to name a symbiote Bedlam, when there already is a Bedlam, and this isn't even a very interesting Symbiote he's just another Red Symbiote we already have enough Red Symbiotes, he shoulda been like aquamarine or something.
I always loved Paulo Siqueira's art but Bedlam feels like another generic monster so kind of wasted his talent here.
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