On 9/1/2022 at 2:15 PM, tarot said:Us: Hey Hasbro. 50th anniversary of Luke..... Hasbro: Yeah, Yeah. we know. The fact that this look is one of the images Paul Harding has done I could see an anniversary being released with a Harding head sculpt.
On 9/1/2022 at 6:07 PM, tru48082 said:I personally prefer the all-yellow boots look, over just the boot cuff being yellow. Right, me too, it just looks better. I always liked this outfit...impractical, sure. But its his iconic look. The headband, the wristbands, and the chain belt....Sweet Christmas! Man I hope they do him soon. In fact, give us a 70s line-up....classic Falcon, Sub-Mariner, Misty Knight, Adam Warlock, Equinox, Ms. Marvel, Dr. Spectrum...and maybe a hold over from the 60s like Angar the Screamer
On 9/1/2022 at 10:15 PM, tarot said:Us: Hey Hasbro. 50th anniversary of Luke..... Hasbro: Yeah, Yeah. we know. To be honest, there are plenty of anniversaries every year, so they can't do them all.
I personally prefer the all-yellow boots look, over just the boot cuff being yellow.
This suit is so goofy but I must admit, this is what I think of when I think Luke Cage, Powerman a 2 pack with classic Danny Rand / Iron Fist is instant buy. I still recall finding the Marvel Universe 3.75 set at a Target that never stocked figures ( or so it seemed). I could not believe my fortune. One instant buy later and Heroes For Hire joined my collection. Side note: never saw this set in the wild again. Right place at the right time
On 9/1/2022 at 4:33 PM, Psychosomatic said:I could see him on the Hercules buck! Yeah, that could work pretty well I think.
On 9/1/2022 at 2:54 PM, Jeddostotle7 said:Hasbro really needs to make a new classic Luke Cage (and Iron Fist to go with him of course), especially with it being his 50th anniversary, and hopefully it's on a newer, slightly smaller, and more proportionate body than the Hyperion body the last couple ones used. I could see him on the Hercules buck!
Hasbro really needs to make a new classic Luke Cage (and Iron Fist to go with him of course), especially with it being his 50th anniversary, and hopefully it's on a newer, slightly smaller, and more proportionate body than the Hyperion body the last couple ones used.
On 9/1/2022 at 2:15 PM, tarot said:Us: Hey Hasbro. 50th anniversary of Luke..... Hasbro: Yeah, Yeah. we know. One of my absolute top must-haves! Definitely top 10! tarot - 2022-09-01 @ 9:15 pm
Us: Hey Hasbro. 50th anniversary of Luke..... Hasbro: Yeah, Yeah. we know.
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