On 10/11/2022 at 9:17 PM, enzosaurusrex said:Villains like Apocalypse and Magneto and Doom and Thanos are around and interacting with heroes but yes let's pick on Bishop. LMAO
True. And after all,Bishop was trying to prevent his own horrible, vile, dystopic future from taking place by killing her. I can see his reasoning, while not necessarily being happy with it. Sometimes you have to make hard decisions; given what he knew at the time, Bishop's attempted assassination was the best option.
The article in question here is ABOUT Bishop not the other villains mentioned. Why would I discuss the others here. Maybe Ill post something about them when an article is posted about them. Great response by the way, lets make the one evil person seem ok by bringing up other bad people, I mean sure Charles Manson doesnt seem so bad when you bring up Hitler. I guess calling someone out for trying to murder babies is picking on them.
Villains like Apocalypse and Magneto and Doom and Thanos are around and interacting with heroes but yes let's pick on Bishop. LMAO
Still doesnt change the fact he tried to kill an infant. As for Stan not writing anything for decades, ya thats not entirely true but whatever. Having him around I believe kept a level of integrity that was even slowly diminishing when he was alive. The fact that people like Bishop are forgiven for trying to murder a baby is beyond me. Evil is evil. Lets get some heros out there to provide a good example for people, not murderers and psychopaths. Just weak writing if you ask me. Ill stick to the oldies I guess more integrity and way better values
tarot -
2022-10-10 @ 11:01 pm
On 10/10/2022 at 11:59 PM, Ithadar said:Funny how we have the main hero being Bishop. Was he not the same guy that wanted to kill baby Hope? I mean a baby killer is what we look up to as heros now? Ya you can tell Stan is gone thats for sure
Stan lee didn't write anything for marvel for decades. Also if you actually read some comic you would know that Hope and Bishop have made peace.
Funny how we have the main hero being Bishop. Was he not the same guy that wanted to kill baby Hope? I mean a baby killer is what we look up to as heros now? Ya you can tell Stan is gone thats for sure
I fail to see the diversity here. Having only one type of anything excludes. Oxymoron here. I do believe Giant Size X-Men #1 was wayyy more diverse than this. Maybe we need to look back to those comics for not only diversity but for what a good story looks like.
Daughter of Blade is kinda fun, I read Ghost Light as in like...oh the Diet version of Ghost, haha clearly doesn't seem like that's what it is here. Anyways kinda interested in reading some new Blade material. I might get back into following some comic series next year I kinda miss it after I bailed in 2020.
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