The Rise Of Stark Sentinels Marks A Pivotal Moment In Mutantkind's Upcoming War

The Rise Of Stark Sentinels Marks A Pivotal Moment In Mutantkind's Upcoming War

Jay Cochran - December 21, 2022
Stark Industries is pursuing a new venture—the extermination of mutants!

New mutant-hunting sentinels upgraded with Stark technology will emerge and make their first moves against mutantkind in the pages of Gerry Duggan and Juan Frigeri’s current run of INVINCIBLE IRON MAN! Last week’s debut issue saw Tony Stark hitting rock bottom after losing everything—including his own company. Feilong, the mutant-hating industrialist from Duggan’s X-MEN, is now in control of Stark Unlimited’s incredible resources and plans to use them in Orchis’ vicious war against mutants. In the months ahead, this will cause the trajectory of Iron Man’s super hero career to change radically and in the process, he’ll evolve into one of mutantkind’s staunchest allies. The X-Men will need his genius intellect more than ever as Krakoa braces itself for THE FALL OF X! The upcoming story arc is set to upend mutantkind’s current status quo, and INVINCIBLE IRON MAN will play a key role…

Fans can witness the impending might of the STARK SENTINELS in this year’s FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2023: AVENGERS/X-MEN #1 on May 6. In the meantime, check out Juan Frigeri’s design sheet below and stay tuned for more new about INVINCIBILE IRON MAN!

Stark Sentinel Design by Juan Frigeri
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