I'm really liking that Jim Lee X-Men #1 homage! I hope it comes out as a poster because I would definitely buy that.
On 3/27/2023 at 4:59 PM, tarot said:Whizzer.
Guess I've just never been all that dazzled by Ross' artwork as everyone else seems to be. Still nice to see a different style of work compared to the usual comic style. tarot - 2023-03-27 @ 8:59 pm
On 3/27/2023 at 9:51 PM, tru48082 said:Can somebody tell me who the character is that is between Hercules and She-Hulk's armpits? Having a hard time identifying. Thanks! Whizzer.
Can somebody tell me who the character is that is between Hercules and She-Hulk's armpits? Having a hard time identifying. Thanks!
Both covers are beautiful. Alex's artwork has always been a step above. I like that his ego isn't so big that he wouldn't "cover" another artists work. That homage is instantly recognizable even though he put his own spin on it. The Avengers cover is brilliant. Just by chance the right side of the group shot has most of my favorites. This too could be an homage to Perez style team shots. All this being said I react as one would to fingernails on a chalkboard when I hear "Marvel" and "Variant"...
On 3/27/2023 at 1:53 PM, leokearon said:Yeah it is strange that Shroud and Red Wolf are there when they were allies not members. Moon Knight should be there but the others joined in the 90's so didn't make the cut. Yes, Rhodey joined the West Coast as Iron Man but apparently Alex didn't want to put two Iron Men on the cover Nah, there's lots of 90s characters on there. Spiderman even joined after Sersi.
On 3/27/2023 at 5:46 PM, Hordak Rules said:Always love me some Alex Ross art, but find it strange that Shroud and Red Wolf (who were never Avengers) made it on here but characters like Sersi, War Machine, Living Lightning and Moon Knight didn't. Yeah it is strange that Shroud and Red Wolf are there when they were allies not members. Moon Knight should be there but the others joined in the 90's so didn't make the cut. Yes, Rhodey joined the West Coast as Iron Man but apparently Alex didn't want to put two Iron Men on the cover
Always love me some Alex Ross art, but find it strange that Shroud and Red Wolf (who were never Avengers) made it on here but characters like Sersi, War Machine, Living Lightning and Moon Knight didn't.
Both look great, but I prefer the Avengers one, I prefer a group shot to a homage
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