On 4/27/2023 at 1:58 PM, Itsybitsyspider said:Well and Loki is the perfect character to make into a lady. His character traits make a great fit. Specially since women are so good at making men overthink and commit to things they normally wouldn't. Plus, just the way they designed her, has great composition. Yeah true about the whole trait thing, Loki's manipulations and emotional twisting, and trickery translates well to making her a lady version of the character, plus yes she looks awesome, they designed her well.
On 4/26/2023 at 4:12 PM, Itsybitsyspider said:Not sure why, But I'm a fan of Lady Loki. Yeah I love Lady Loki, is it weird I like Loki as a lady more then a dude? Ha, she had some good stories she was in, really was a huge fan of A-Force, I'd buy this as a print and put it on my wall.
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