Spider-Boy Shares His Story In Edge Of Spider-Verse #3

Spider-Boy Shares His Story In Edge Of Spider-Verse #3

Jay Cochran - May 16, 2023
Spider-Boy’s blockbuster debut in last month’s SPIDER-MAN #7 sent shockwaves throughout the industry, demanding multiple second printings and answers about his origins! At long last, Spider-Boy creators Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos will begin to unravel the origins of Spider-Man’s long-lost sidekick next month in EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE #3! To celebrate, Ramos has turned out an all-new cover for the issue depicting the bouncin’ Spider-Boy soaring high above New York City. The breathtaking variant cover will also be available at a virgin ratio cover.

Spider-Boy leapt onto the scene during Dan Slott and Mark Bagley’s “End of the Spider-Verse” storyline, but he swears he’s not from the Spider-Verse at all! Despite no one recognizing him, he claims to have had plenty of adventures and team-ups with Spidey right in the 616! It’s a head-spinning mystery that’s only just begun!

“The all-new, all-different Spider-Boy of the 616: He's got strange new spider-powers, secret ties to dark corners of Spider-Man lore, and a story that's all his own... that is right about to begin!” Slott promises.

Check out Ramos’ cover below and learn the secrets behind Marvel’s newest sensation when EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE #3 arrives on June 2

EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE #3 (OF 4) - 75960620643800111
Variant Cover by HUMBERTO RAMOS – 75960620643800331
Virgin Variant Cover by HUMBERTO RAMOS – 75960620643800333
On Sale 6/21
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Lord_Scareglow - 2023-05-17 @ 6:13 pm

I don't know anything about this kid, or really care that much too, have we not seen Spider-Boys before?, yeah well, at least this is a cool design, I'm diggin it a bit.

I don't know why anyone would be shocked at what Marvel does in the books anymore, bring on whatever.

Mjolnir_Customs - 2023-04-02 @ 12:49 am

You're sure this isn't an April Fool's joke?

since83 - 2023-04-01 @ 11:04 pm

How many spider people do we need?

leokearon - 2023-04-01 @ 7:24 am

Spider-Boy, the adventures of Spider-Man when he was a teenage... Oh wait

monron999 - 2023-03-31 @ 10:46 pm

Spider-Boy? Ya gotta be kidding me. Man, Slott has really hit rock bottom. I guess when you ain't got clones you ain't got nuthin'.

tarot - 2023-03-31 @ 8:57 pm

Well, there has been Spider-boys before. Costume looks nice to say the least.

JayC - 2023-03-31 @ 8:55 pm

Earlier this month, Marvel Comics teased a stunning character debut in Dan Slott and Mark Bagleys SPIDER-MAN #7, and now its time to unveil this spectacular new hero!Introducing SPIDER-BOY! Catch him next week in SPIDER-MAN #7, the thrilling conclusion to The End of the Spider-Verse story arc. Spider-Mans long-lost sidekick will then appear in future issue of SPIDER-MAN, and his outrageous origin will be told this June in EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE #3 in a story by Slott and the characters co-creator, Humberto Ramos!Over time, Marvel fans have met a host of new heroes from throughout the Spider-Verse! Miles Morales, Ghost-Spider, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Punk, and so many more have weaved their way into the Marvel Universe and into fans hearts. But none of have been anything like SPIDER-BOY. Not originating from the multiverse at all, Spider-Boys been here all along and starred in some of the greatest stories in Spider-Man history! Hasnt he?Heres what Slott had to say about his bold new creation:I can't wait for people to meet Spider-Boy, and the unique role he's going to play in both Spider-Man's world and the Marvel Universe, Slott said. I grew up reading Spider-Man comics. He's my favorite character in all of fiction. All I ever wanted to do was tell stories with THIS cast, and it's been the coolest thing ever to co-create some of the characters who populate it. And this kid, this Spider-Boy, is THE one I'm most psyched about!On the art side, two absolute SPIDER-LEGENDS are bringing Spider-Boy to life. My longtime collaborator, Humberto Ramos and the amazing Mark Bagley.The all-new, all-different Spider-Boy of the 616: He's got strange new spider-powers, secret ties to dark corners of Spider-Man lore, and a story that's all his own... that is right about to begin!Check out Ramos newly revealed SPOILER VARIANT COVER below and dont miss Spider-Boys leap into the Marvel mythos in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #7 on April 5!SPIDER-MAN #7Written by DAN SLOTTArt by MARK BAGLEYTop Secret Spoiler Variant Cover by HUMBERTO RAMOSOn Sale 4/5


Inspection12e - 2023-03-07 @ 5:32 pm
On 3/7/2023 at 3:19 AM, GarimusPrime said:

Save a little room for Jason Aaron's Avengers. Absolute garbage five year run on what should be Marvel's premiere team book.

At least Jason Aaron is hit and miss. I like his Punisher series right now.

GarimusPrime - 2023-03-07 @ 8:19 am
On 3/6/2023 at 8:11 PM, Inspection12e said:

I feel like Dan Slott has really lost it as a writer. HIs ongoing Spider-Man might be the worst book Marvel is publishing right now. The only reason I say might is because Tini Howard exists.

Save a little room for Jason Aaron's Avengers. Absolute garbage five year run on what should be Marvel's premiere team book.

Inspection12e - 2023-03-07 @ 1:11 am

I feel like Dan Slott has really lost it as a writer. HIs ongoing Spider-Man might be the worst book Marvel is publishing right now. The only reason I say might is because Tini Howard exists.

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