Derrick Chew’s Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1 Variant Cover

Derrick Chew’s Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1 Variant Cover

Jay Cochran - May 30, 2023
This July, industry legend Ann Nocenti is teaming up with artist Paolo Villanelli to take Carol Danvers on a dangerous quest across the stars in CAPTAIN MARVEL: DARK TEMPEST! This grand-scale epic will pit Captain Marvel against classic villain Nitro and a new cosmic mastermind with a devastating plan for the entire universe. This highly-anticipated limited series will launch with a gorgeous variant cover by acclaimed artist Derrick Chew. An explosive pinup of Carol Danvers in her iconic Ms. Marvel costume, this is latest piece by the superstar cover artist as he brings Marvel’s greatest heroes to life with his electrifying talent!

Check it out below and pick up CAPTAIN MARVEL: DARK TEMPEST #1 when it hits stands on July 5.

CAPTAIN MARVEL: DARK TEMPEST #1 – 75960620532500111
Written by ANN NOCENTI
Variant Cover by DERRICK CHEW – 75960620532500131
Virgin Variant Cover by DERRICK CHEW – 75960620532500117
On Sale 7/5
1 of 1


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
AndyL - 2023-05-31 @ 3:03 am

Everyone seemed to like this look better and oddly enough Carol seemed more likeable as Warbird. Something about insisting on her as Captain Marvel just seems forced and all around terrible. Especially in the comics. She always worked better as a team player not a main character.

GarimusPrime - 2023-05-31 @ 1:47 am

I hate being teased with nice things that we aren't allowed to have anymore.

SpiderS - 2023-05-30 @ 8:45 pm

Great cover, truly iconic costume, I wish it could be back even if it was slightly updated, inverted Mar-Vell costume is ok but it just isn't as striking as this old costume was.

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