Marvel Comics Teases Two Super Secret Rob Liefeld Projects At SDCC

Marvel Comics Teases Two Super Secret Rob Liefeld Projects At SDCC

Jay Cochran - July 21, 2023
Today at both the Diamond Retailer Lunch and the Marvel Fanfare with C.B. Cebulski Panel, Marvel Comics unveiled artwork for two unannounced Rob Liefeld comic series that will debut next year!
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
leokearon - 2023-07-22 @ 6:59 am

Both series already look bad

AndyL - 2023-07-22 @ 6:26 am
On 7/21/2023 at 11:58 PM, GarimusPrime said:

Yeah. That's how you get fans excited. Mention Rob Liefeld.

Heh. Yes he's terrible. But you have to appreciate his grift. He overcame his total lack of understanding of human anatomy or facial structure and zero formal training and filled it with busy lines and exaggerated details and dynamic poses and convinced the world he was a great artist. He got his own comic at Marvel. He was instramental in starting a coop with other talents that turned the entire comic industry on it's ear. Created his own comic company and original characters. Gets undue credit for creating Deadpool and became a millionaire. And he still manages to remain relevant in the comics community today. If only all of us could suck so bad.

GarimusPrime - 2023-07-22 @ 4:58 am

Yeah. That's how you get fans excited. Mention Rob Liefeld.

since83 - 2023-07-22 @ 1:05 am

I still love Romita Jr.

But @#$% Rob Liefeld!

Hogun - 2023-07-22 @ 12:34 am

Liefeld's art is outdated. Same with Romita Jr. I really hope the stories are worth the read. Because so far, the artwork are an eyesore.

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