I've loved each of his costumes, in different scales of course, but the last ones, are not up to the sheer awesomeness of the first ones....
Unless this is some fall/winter accessory, I really don't see the point behind this. Don't get me wrong, the kid does need a change- for his name. Call him Spider-Bite or Night Spider or whatever, but he needs his own name. Its way past due.
Miles goes from some unique to basically trying to rip off both Ben and Kaine's Scarlet Spiders.
I kinda dig this costume but not as something permanent.
Yeah, this needs to go. First thing that comes to mind is the color palate is way too close to Kaine's Scarlet Spider look, then the hoodie and sneakers, it all looks terrible together. Clearly they wanted something that has the spirit of Into the Spider-Verse, but they definitely didn't execute this well.
Yeah, I hate this costume.
Oh... yikes... Okay, so, wow... Um, I really like Miles' Spider-Man costume. And I really like the way he looks with a hoody as well. But this?Holy $#@% that does not work at all. Also, the color scheme and design pattern is no no no. But the integrated baggy sweatshirt as part of his spider look. Nyah, no no no.
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