On 9/21/2023 at 9:53 AM, leokearon said:His energy wings were removed and replaced with feathered wings from Mimic Thanks! I figured they were reverted back to feathers before they were sent back, I just couldn't remember how....old age
On 9/21/2023 at 5:46 PM, Emnems80 said:Read the 2012 run way back and I remember Angel had different wings by the end (I think they were flame wings). Did the wings revert back to feathers before the OG X-Men memories were wiped and sent back to their original time? His energy wings were removed and replaced with feathered wings from Mimic
Read the 2012 run way back and I remember Angel had different wings by the end (I think they were flame wings). Did the wings revert back to feathers before the OG X-Men memories were wiped and sent back to their original time?
On 9/18/2023 at 4:53 PM, AndyL said:I basically just read all old comics now days. The other weekend I messed around in an antique shop and came across a giant trove of some old 80's comics. X-men and Alpha Flight, Fantastic Four Versus The X-Men and X-Men vs The Avengers. Two and four issue limited series. And they were all great and they told awesome crossover stories with great writing that didn't take an entire year of build up only to have a disappointing ending. Can we get those days back again? I totally agree...I've been reading old back issues as well, and even stories I didn't like at the time I find to be great compared to what's coming out now. There are a few good new stories (HoX/PoX, Batman White Knight, etc.), but they seem few and far between. AndyL - 2023-09-18 @ 8:53 pm
On 9/18/2023 at 3:29 PM, MeGrimlock78 said:Still...it's the X-Men. How can I not pick it up? (Yes, I AM part of the problem) I was for a while as well. Anything and everything X-Men was on auto pull at my comic shop. Especially after the attempted Inhumans coup. Then I finally read some of them. When did comics get so terrible and when did writers become so uncreative and then find a way to also become so full of themselves at the same time? I still love the X-Men characters for what they once were and no matter what they do with them now I still remember them as how they were when the stories were good. I basically just read all old comics now days. The other weekend I messed around in an antique shop and came across a giant trove of some old 80's comics. X-men and Alpha Flight, Fantastic Four Versus The X-Men and X-Men vs The Avengers. Two and four issue limited series. And they were all great and they told awesome crossover stories with great writing that didn't take an entire year of build up only to have a disappointing ending. Can we get those days back again?
On 9/18/2023 at 4:00 PM, leokearon said:Well this sounds awful from the All New X-Men back, to the Phoenix Force and Greg Lang. Going to avoid this like the plague I was right there with you up until the last statement. Sounds like a rehash of an old story, silly premise, and boring art. Still...it's the X-Men. How can I not pick it up? (Yes, I AM part of the problem)
On 9/18/2023 at 12:00 PM, leokearon said:Well this sounds awful from the All New X-Men back, to the Phoenix Force and Greg Lang. Going to avoid this like the plague Havent picked up an X-Men book since mid 90s. Doesn't look like I'm picking this up either.
Well this sounds awful from the All New X-Men back, to the Phoenix Force and Greg Lang. Going to avoid this like the plague
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