And I thought all the overkill designs from the 90s were bad
Not my cup of tea but I guess the Encoded suit looks cool. Agimat isnt bad either, though it doesnt speak "Spider-Man" to me. Overall though I would have no use for these.
On 10/5/2023 at 4:15 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:I don't think I like any of these, these are all made up for the game right?, seem to technical and powerrangery, Not digging it, but I guess they have ran through all of the comic oriented and classic suits, gotta make up some wacky stuff, keep people interested. Yeah, these are for the game, apparently Isomniac asked other developers to submit suit designs and these might be some of those
I don't think I like any of these, these are all made up for the game right?, seem to technical and powerrangery, Not digging it, but I guess they have ran through all of the comic oriented and classic suits, gotta make up some wacky stuff, keep people interested.
I like the Tokusatsu suit
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