Marvel Studios Developing A Vision Series Starring Paul Bettany For Disney+

Marvel Studios Developing A Vision Series Starring Paul Bettany For Disney+

Outsiders - October 28, 2022
Sources from within have informed Deadline that Marvel Studios is developing a second WandaVision spinoff series focusing on Paul Bettany’s Vision for Disney+.

The potential series will be entitled, Vision Quest, which will be about The Vision (Bettany) trying to regain his memory and humanity. The main focus will be on Vision, but there is word that Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) may appear.

Vision Quest is being overseen by WandaVision creator, writer, and executive producer Jac Schaeffer.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Lord_Scareglow - 2022-10-29 @ 3:38 pm

Vision Quest what a name there, anyways sure, I'm cool with a Vision show. maybe Ultron can finally get a second glance in that series.

leokearon - 2022-10-29 @ 6:55 am

Great to see Bethany back. I wonder how he will react when he learns what happened to Wanda?

Hordak Rules - 2022-10-29 @ 2:11 am

Vision Quest! As Cap might say, I understood that reference!

Atlantis - 2022-10-28 @ 11:27 pm

oBVIOUSLY I'm a huge Vision fan, but wasnt wowed by the MCU version. . Wasn't a fan of how easily he was dispatched in the movies. I mean come on, he was supposed to be Ultron's new body, so he would be at least as unstoppable as Ultron, if not more. I do wish these writers would get off the "android wants to be human" trope; in Vision's case he can't "regain humanity" because he was never human to begin with.Still, I'd like to see how they handle the series.

monron999 - 2022-10-28 @ 10:28 pm

Bout damn time!

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