On 2/19/2023 at 11:51 AM, leokearon said:Where does it say Wolverine isn't going to make it? He just states they are starting making season 2 and the second part hints fans are in for a good time, that's it. I think that people misread the dash to mean that he's been wolverine from the original series through the beginning of season 2 . I think that wasn't what he meant though
On 2/19/2023 at 10:51 AM, leokearon said:Where does it say Wolverine isn't going to make it? He just states they are starting making season 2 and the second part hints fans are in for a good time, that's it. Yeah, agreed- it just sounds like things are really going to pick up as the season progresses, and we'll see some epic adventures.
Where does it say Wolverine isn't going to make it? He just states they are starting making season 2 and the second part hints fans are in for a good time, that's it.
I also don't see anything that states what you're trying to...state. he simply meant its "just the beginning" I've personally had a video greeting from him and he can definitely bounce around in topics from one sentence to another. They aren't stupid enough to end wolverine...he'll probably get his own spin-off if done properly!!
This post is confusing, Ive seen dozens of articles and posts about this - including the original tweet and retweets if the video. How/what about this makes it sound like he wont make it through the whole season? Genuinely asking and not trolling there is no mention or implication or this anywhere else
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