MarvelousNews Photo Of The Day - 'Get Ready, This Won't Be Easy...' By ToyTallica

MarvelousNews Photo Of The Day - 'Get Ready, This Won't Be Easy...' By ToyTallica

Outsiders - September 25, 2023
In this segment called Marvelous Photo Of The Day, we spotlight awesome Toy Photography from some of the hottest photographers on the Internet today.

For today we are spotlighting Photographer ToyTallica and their photo titled "Get Ready, This Won't Be Easy..."

"Get Ready, This Won't Be Easy..." By ToyTallica

Be sure to give ToyTallica a follow on Instagram and let them know what you think of their work in the COMMENTS BELOW.
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ransomz - 2023-09-27 @ 11:14 pm

They could always juice him up with some kind of super-soldier serum. That was one element of the Ultimate Universe that I liked. With Captain America's re-appearance, there was suddenly corporate demand for a new super-soldier serum which caused a lot of chaos. I could see the MCU Kingpin joining the Masters of Evil and getting some upgrades. Zemo. Zola. Did they kill off Mickey Rourke's character? They could bring back anybody.

Very cool pic, by the way. You always do great stuff, ToyTallica.

Ironspider428 - 2023-09-25 @ 6:31 pm

They're going to have to be pretty creative making Kingpin a Spider-Man villain in the MCU. He was just a really buff but pretty normal guy in the Netflix show, a bit more superhuman in Hawkeye but still no match for Spider-Man physically. Definitely going to have to lean into Fisk's political side a lot.

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