X-Men '97 Marvel Legends Nightcrawler Video Review And Images

X-Men '97 Marvel Legends Nightcrawler Video Review And Images

Outsiders - March 10, 2024
MCUcollector24 takes a look at the new X-Men '97 Marvel Legends Nightcrawler from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsors Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Chunkylover - 2024-03-11 @ 4:37 pm
On 3/11/2024 at 9:20 AM, frozentenderloin said:

I still have the Toy Biz Legends Nightcrawler. I don't really dig the hair on this one. Might have considered the upgrade otherwise.

I definitely prefer the TB Nightcrawler. He has a quirky look that reminds me of Alan Davis' artwork.

Chunkylover - 2024-03-11 @ 4:36 pm

Nightcrawler is such a great character design. His classic costume has a timeless element and his best modifications were all tweaks of the original design. These are fun looking figures. The hair is a little goofy, but the face sculpt doesn't look too childish.

TheArrow - 2024-03-11 @ 2:30 pm
On 3/10/2024 at 3:35 PM, since83 said:

I was gonna for sure get this one, but these pics really turned me. I'm bothered by the black on his face. I get what they were trying to do, but don't think it works. The hair is pretty big as well. Think I have to see it in person.

The face shadow should have been airbrushed. The hard demarcation ruins the effect. Quite disappointing.

frozentenderloin - 2024-03-11 @ 1:20 pm

I still have the Toy Biz Legends Nightcrawler. I don't really dig the hair on this one. Might have considered the upgrade otherwise.

leokearon - 2024-03-11 @ 8:33 am

The body looks better, but the heads on the previous one are way better, so I'll be keeping my Nightcrawler

SpiderS - 2024-03-10 @ 9:41 pm

This looks truly great, new arms and legs make this figure so much more pleasing to look at, previous figure suffered a lot from blocky sculpt of pizza Spidey arm and legs but now it's finally well sculpted, head is also pretty well done, I just wish second head had a different hair sculpt for variety, as it is they are way too similar heads.

since83 - 2024-03-10 @ 9:35 pm

I was gonna for sure get this one, but these pics really turned me. I'm bothered by the black on his face. I get what they were trying to do, but don't think it works. The hair is pretty big as well. Think I have to see it in person.

MeGrimlock78 - 2024-03-10 @ 9:34 pm

His tail is so pointy!

Is this a repaint, or an all new mould?

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