
Line Marvel Legends
Sub-Line Fantastic Four
Series-Wave Ronan The Accuser Series
Manufacturer Hasbro
Scale 6 inch
Release 2007
Product-ID 78187
UPC 653569253280
MSRP $9.99
BAF-Parts Right Arm

Character Summary

Short tempered, arrogant and often outright hostile towards the surface world, Namor is nonetheless a wise king and powerful champion of his native Atlantis. He lived for many years among the inhabitants of the surface world, and is himself the son of a land-dweller. Despite his experience with the world above, he remains disdainful of the weak, short-lived cousins to his people that crowd the continents above and pollute the seas and sky. He has rushed to the defense of Earth and his comrades (few are those he would call friends) in the super hero community in the past, but he always serves the interests of Atlantis first. He has alternately warred against and lived in peace with the surface world, and remains an uncertain factor in world politics.


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