Captain America

Line Marvel Legends
Series-Wave Wave 3 - Brood Queen Series
Manufacturer Hasbro
Scale 6 inch
Release 2007
Product-ID 78169
UPC 653569254249
MSRP $9.99
BAF-Parts Left Rear Legs

Character Summary

On the day Steve Rogers walked into an Army recruiting office in New York City, he was just a scrawny art student desperate for a way to serve his country. Rejected outright by the recruiter because of his limited physical limitations, Steve was offered a chance to take part in a top-secret program that turned him into the super soldier known as Captain America. Armed with enhanced strength, reflexes and an indestructible shield, he battles injustice, tyranny and fear wherever it is found. He is the living symbol of the American ideal, a fierce individualist who is nonetheless willing to sacrifice everything he has for the sake of the greater good.


Cap is modeled after his first appearance look. Like Bucky, Cap looks very different stylistically from Toybiz Marvel Legends. He has a very plastic look, and the red is very bright. His body shape is buff, and he’s about the right height for Rogers. The shape of the upper torso is elongated, and goes in at a sharp angle into the lower piece, which is very flat. The abcrunch is the only really visible joint on this figure, and it is an ugly one.
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