Mary Jane

Line Spider-Man Trilogy
Series-Wave Sandman Series
Manufacturer Hasbro
Scale 6 inch
Release 2007
Product-ID 69251
UPC 653569258292
MSRP $9.99
BAF-Parts Torso

Character Summary

Mary Jane spent her entire life dreaming of something better. She knew that coming home every day to her mom crying and her dad sullen and angry was just the prelude to her life. Out there in the world, there was adventure, fame and fortune. Her future. As it turns out, she wasn't far off. Not long after getting out of high school, she started making almost a career out of getting in the middle of fights between Spider-Man and whichever super-powered bad guy he was fighting this week. Finding out that Spider-Man was actually her old friend, Peter Parker, just added to the excitement, and made a lot more sense out of the crush she had on the webhead.


Mary Jane has a lot of problems. For starters, the color scheme is ugly. The color they chose for her skin is actually quite good, but the browns look plain, and only enhance the plastic look of the bright red for her hair. There’s no pattern on the dress either, so the plain color puts a lot of emphasis on the body shape.
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