
Line Marvel Legends
Series-Wave Series 9 - Galactus Series
Manufacturer ToyBiz
Scale 6 inch
Release 2005
Product-ID 71139
UPC 086892711392
MSRP $8.99
BAF-Parts Upper Torso

Character Summary

Luther Manning grew up in an alternate timeline in which Roxxon's Nth Command had succeeded in Operation: Purge, extradimensionally banishing the super heroes of Earth. Subsequent efforts by Roxxon to take over the world instead plunged it into chaos. Manning was a US Army Colonel, wounded in combat and rebuilt by Harlan and Simon Ryker into a cyborg intended for their control. Now known as Deathlok, he broke free from them, eventually defeating Simon Ryker. Deathlok then met the rebel leader Godwulf, who sent him back in time to remove him from the notice of Harlan Ryker, now the powerful cyborg Hellinger.


Related Figures

 » Deathlok

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