Red Skull

Line Marvel Legends
Sub-Line Face Off (Two Packs)
Series-Wave Series 1
Manufacturer ToyBiz
Scale 6 inch
Release 2006
Product-ID 71338
UPC 035112713388
MSRP $17.99

Character Summary

Once a weakling Army recruit drafted into World War II, Steve Rogers was given an experimental serum to transform him into the world's greatest fighter. He would become a super soldier his fellow countrymen could depend on, and look up to as the defended the world from the Nazi invasion. The embodiment of all that his great county stands for, Captain America lead his troops to victory, much to the chagrin of the one who would always stand in his way: Red Skull, a Nazi so evil, even Hitler himself was frightened. Mortal enemies locked in the oldest and most bitter of rivalries in the Marvel Universe, Red Skull threatens to spread his message of hate in an attempt at world dominance, as the Sentinel of Liberty, Captain America, is there to stop him at every turn.

Click here for Captain America vs. Red Skull Index


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