Medicom Marvel MAFEX No.099 Cyclops Reissue Figure Pre-Order

Medicom Marvel MAFEX No.099 Cyclops Reissue Figure Pre-Order

toynewman - March 21, 2024
Shown below is the Medicom Marvel MAFEX No.099 Cyclops Reissue Figure available for pre-order from our sponsor with a suggested retail price of $109.99.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
toynewman - 2024-03-21 @ 2:34 pm

Shown below is the Medicom Marvel MAFEX No.099 Cyclops Reissue Figure available for pre-order from our sponsor with a suggested retail price of $109.99.


Benn - 2020-04-15 @ 1:41 pm

It looks to me like it was proportioned to be evocative of the Marvel Capcom games.

SpiderS - 2020-04-15 @ 9:29 am

When you pose this figure right, looks amazing, however,in other poses not so much, theres so odd proportioning they went with.

RAMCAT - 2020-04-15 @ 5:44 am
7 hours ago, abnuggler said:

There are a couple reviews now online that have both figures compared, I think Robofrom fwoosh just uploadedone today, Im sure @ShartimusPrimewill review this figure too, but form what I can tell the ML one is slightly taller though also is a little thinner (mainly inthe chest area) overall unless you dont have the ML version I dont think this warrants the extra pricepoint for it being an import (at least thats what I think)

Ah yea I saw a comparison after the fact. I would say you're 100% right

abnuggler - 2020-04-14 @ 10:35 pm
On 4/13/2020 at 3:33 PM, RAMCAT said:

Excellent! Would like to see next to ML Cyke

There are a couple reviews now online that have both figures compared, I think Robofrom fwoosh just uploadedone today, Im sure @ShartimusPrimewill review this figure too, but form what I can tell the ML one is slightly taller though also is a little thinner (mainly inthe chest area) overall unless you dont have the ML version I dont think this warrants the extra pricepoint for it being an import (at least thats what I think)

abnuggler - 2020-04-14 @ 10:31 pm

I dont really see the need to get this figure, the body proportions are a bit off and Im good with ML cyclops (even though I wish hemade on the bulkier Spider UK body mold, still im ok with it) no need to pay the import price for a figure that isnt that much better.

Bluecomet - 2020-04-14 @ 6:12 am

Look awesome..great abundance in accessories...6'3 is about right on the height...still wondering, why is it so expensive? Given its the same height as marvel legends

Emnems80 - 2020-04-13 @ 11:55 pm

Looks awesome so far. Hopefully it's a continual step up for Mafex and the Wolverine that they had released was just a blip on the radar.

RAMCAT - 2020-04-13 @ 8:33 pm

Excellent! Would like to see next to ML Cyke

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