Marvel MAFEX No.239 Spider-Man 2099 (Comic Ver.) Available For Pre-Order

Marvel MAFEX No.239 Spider-Man 2099 (Comic Ver.) Available For Pre-Order

Jay Cochran - March 23, 2024
From the far flung future of 2099 comes the next entry in the popular MAFEX series: Spider-Man 2099! This futuristic superhero features premium articulation and detail lifted straight from the comic book series. Don't miss out on this web-swinging figure and order yours today! You can pre-order this now from our sponsor for $109.99.

-3 Alternate heads
-Alternate hands
-Web effects
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
MeGrimlock78 - 2024-03-23 @ 11:35 pm

....aaaaannnnddd I'm out.

$109.99 USD? No thank you.

SpiderS - 2024-03-22 @ 8:34 pm

While coloring and head sculpt is done exceptionally well it's obvious to me that this body is way too skinny for Spider-Man 2099, it somehow looks even skinnier than the first mafex comic Spidey, they should have based him on something closer to Mafex Nightwing body, it's been a while since the first release of that Spider-man and it's about time for Mafex to give new improved body for Spider-Men.

Thwippersnapper - 2024-03-22 @ 5:39 pm

@Lord_Scareglowagreed and so do the ol' books.

Spider-Man 2099 (1992) #21 | Comic Issues | Marvel

Lord_Scareglow - 2024-03-22 @ 4:33 pm

I think this is a great looking figure, but I still feel like no company get's 2099's body type right, he always appeared to be taller and buffer then other Spider-Men, at least that was my perspective, this still seems too small.

Emnems80 - 2024-03-22 @ 4:22 pm

Took me a sec to figure out the difference between the first two head sculpts

Summers71 - 2024-03-22 @ 3:29 pm

Love the cape options on this one too!!

cant wait to add this to the collection for sure!

toynewman - 2024-03-22 @ 2:38 pm
On 3/22/2024 at 10:24 AM, MeGrimlock78 said:

Wow, that's amazing! No pun intended...

I can't believe how many cape options there are!

I said the same thing when I saw the images.

MeGrimlock78 - 2024-03-22 @ 2:24 pm

Wow, that's amazing! No pun intended...

I can't believe how many cape options there are!

toynewman - 2024-03-22 @ 2:24 pm












Summers71 - 2024-03-22 @ 1:06 pm

Wow this looks incredible!! Sorry wallet, no breaks for you

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