Punisher 2099 Marvel Legends Custom Figure By Customsbymatchu

Punisher 2099 Marvel Legends Custom Figure By Customsbymatchu

Jay Cochran - September 10, 2023
This weeks Marvelous Custom was done by Customsbymatchu who has made a custom Marvel Legends Punisher 2099 figure.

Check out the image(s) of their custom below and be sure to let us know what you think in the COMMENTS SECTION below!

If you would like to submit a custom of your own creation to be featured in an upcoming MARVELOUS CUSTOM segment you can post your work on our FORUMS.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
GnarlyCharlie85 - 2024-01-01 @ 4:13 pm

Do you ever wonder why we don't get a hasbro comic marvel legends the spot? Because they have seen how great all these customs are online and just can't compete. Awesome custom thou my friend, i myself had a custom spot done earlier this year by someone over seas. It was the most i've ever spent on one legend, but when people see my collection almost 1500 figs HE is the one people get drawn to the most. We need a proper legends version made, but i know there is no way it could top my custom or anyone else who makes one like are friend here did.

Marvel0805 - 2024-01-01 @ 1:00 am

That Spot / Spider-Man custom is freaking genuis!

AndyL - 2023-09-10 @ 4:38 pm

Wow that Punisher 2099 looks really nice. I love the heavy matte black coloring. Looks great.

since83 - 2023-09-10 @ 2:28 pm

I never really had any interest in this dude until he had his stint in Savage Avengers. It was a good story and definitely put him on my radar. Anyone who hasn't read Savage Avengers, I would highly recommend the first two story arcs. The third was weaker, but still cool.

NotNamed - 2023-05-28 @ 10:00 pm

Awesome! Time to release it.

ADour - 2023-01-30 @ 2:39 am

Love to see some appreciation for Arsenal. I've been dying for Hasbro to retool the Juggernaut BAF into Arsenal.

icematta - 2023-01-29 @ 10:00 pm

Holy, that Arsenal Beta looks soooo good, impressive job...

Evan_H - 2023-01-29 @ 7:59 pm
On 1/29/2023 at 11:43 AM, Jormungand said:

That is an impressive custom, well done!

Totally agree. There are so many old school chars like this for Hasbro to pull upon. I wonder if we will ever get a Forbush Man? Totally silly char, but hey, count me among those that have read Not Brand Echh.

Jormungand - 2023-01-29 @ 4:43 pm

That is an impressive custom, well done!

JayC - 2023-01-29 @ 4:32 pm

This weeks Marvelous Custom was done by Customsbymatchu who has made a custom Marvel Legends Avengers bad guy Arsenal figure.

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