Marvel Legends Crimson Commando Custom Figure By IronWill72

Marvel Legends Crimson Commando Custom Figure By IronWill72

Jay Cochran - December 03, 2023
This weeks Marvelous Custom was done by IronWill72 who has made a custom Marvel Legends Style Crimson Comanndo figure. Here is how they describe the making of the figure:

Always been a fan of this simple design. Do not know why this is my first attempt at him.

Head - ML Dr Strange
Torso - ML Magneto
Lower - ML Vulcan

Check out the image(s) of their custom below and be sure to let us know what you think in the COMMENTS SECTION below!

If you would like to submit a custom of your own creation to be featured in an upcoming MARVELOUS CUSTOM segment you can post your work on our FORUMS.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
since83 - 2023-12-05 @ 3:23 pm

I'd be even more surprised if the actually did a three pack of the team!

Speaking of everyone phasing, have you seen that Iron Man's new armor phases? It's kinda cool.

Atlantis - 2023-12-05 @ 4:54 am

You know its funny, the comics haven't repeated that speedster trick (far as I know). Like when the Vision does his phasing thing, now they let all the characters do it. Friend of mine teed me off when he said Kitty Pryde was the first one. Fool! Vision's been doing that since '68! LOL

Hey won't you be surprised if they make Crimson the next Legends figure?

since83 - 2023-12-04 @ 9:24 pm

Aaaaah, thanks Atlantis! My spokes weren't clicking anywhere near Super Sabre. I remember the panels where he'd snap his fingers so fast it'd cause a sonic boom and knock his opponent out. Always thought that was cool as Hell.

Atlantis - 2023-12-04 @ 2:47 am
On 12/3/2023 at 1:45 PM, since83 said:

Yes! This guy, Stonewall, and...I can't remember the fast guys name, but those three would be cool.

Super Sabre. And I'm all for some golden age WWII goodness, but want to see some of the others before digging into ret-con land. Deep dive! Very cool figure!!

since83 - 2023-12-03 @ 10:45 pm

Yes! This guy, Stonewall, and...I can't remember the fast guys name, but those three would be cool.

Mattmcc83 - 2021-11-07 @ 9:04 pm

Great work, always neat to see what fans can create!

JohnF - 2021-11-07 @ 5:02 pm

Not too bad, honestly though I couldn't care less about Hasbro doing something like this.

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